• Employment

    Current Situation The current (2022) unemployment rate is 3.6% in the UK. This is to be considered a flawed statistic as it is based on working for at least one hour per week. This is meaningless in terms of being able to live and survive from one’s employment. There are around 2,600 food banks in…

  • Democracy

    Background Very little has changed in British democracy over the last 100 years. The dominant electoral system is First Past The Post (FPTP) which has been in place since 1888 and territorially hasn’t changed since most of Ireland became independent in 1937. In recent years independent movements have been gaining significant popularity, with the political…

  • Immigration

    Foreign Workers Similar to Singapore, companies will be encouraged to prioritise employing local workers before considering foreign nationals. Companies will be required to advertise positions with the job centre for two weeks before being allowed to advertise to foreign nationals. Only if no suitable candidate is available will they be able to search for a…

  • Transport

    Concept Traffic, road pollution and car accidents could all be a thing of the past. While simultaneously improving healthy lifestyles, boosting nature and saving ordinary people money. The concept is radical, yet based on current systems and technology, therefore meaning development can begin at any point. We could build an underground metro system network, covering…

The New Future Party

The New Future Party aims to find radical, practical and sustainable solutions, thrusting society into a fairer, greener and more progressive future.

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